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Our philosophies and practices

Odyssey Academy strives to provide continuous learning tailored to the student's interests and abilities that is organized around authentic human activities and sensitive to the development of the whole child. Educators will strive to accomplish the continuity of learning through:

Odyssey Academy staff is expected to provide, in their daily work, an integration of real-life experiences, world themes, and academics. Through this integrated framework, all students are assured of:

What is a charter school?

In Minnesota, charter schools are tuition free independent public schools that are open to and welcome all students, no matter ability or need, and are governed and operated jointly by licensed teachers, parents and community members. The MN Association of Charter Schools has much more information on this topic in their document "A Primer on Minnesota Charter Schools.

Our demographics

Please visit the MN Department of Education - their website will allow you to compare all kinds of data from Odyssey Academy to the rest of the state, or one school or district in particular.

Quick facts

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